
Why Proper Diabetic Wound Care is Vital for Your Health

Diabetes can have a profound impact on the body, and one area of concern for many people with this condition is wound care. If you have diabetes, you may be at a higher risk for developing wounds or infections that can be challenging to treat. Proper wound care is critical, as it can prevent serious complications and keep you healthy. This blog post will explore the importance of diabetic wound care and provide tips for managing wounds effectively.

Caring For Your Feet As A Diabetic: 5 Top Tips

When you have diabetes, the circulation to your feet is limited. This leads to slow wound healing and an increased risk of infection. As such, it is really important that anyone with diabetes takes excellent care of their feet in order to reduce the risk of injury and make sure any injuries are diagnosed promptly. Here are some more specific tips to help you in that regard. Wash your feet every day.

4 Effective Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fascia comprises a tissue found on your foot’s base. The tissue may become inflamed, on-setting plantar fasciitis. The condition causes varying degrees of heel or arch pain, which can hinder everyday activities like walking and running. Risk factors associated with the disease include being obese, being aged 40 and above, unusual walking styles, standing for long hours every day, having flat feet or high arches, and wearing high heels for prolonged times.

What Causes Osteomyelitis In The Foot And Treatments A Podiatrist Might Recommend

Foot complications are a common side effect of diabetes. Because of poor circulation and nerve damage, it’s easy to injure your foot and for the injury to become infected and difficult to heal. It’s even possible for a foot infection to spread to a bone in your foot. This condition is called osteomyelitis, and it’s a leading cause of foot amputations. Here’s a look at what causes foot osteomyelitis, how it’s diagnosed, and treatments your podiatrist might recommend.

Stretching And Anti-Inflammatory Medications Are Plantar Fasciitis Treatments That Control Your Pain

Plantar fasciitis can make your life complicated due to the pain it causes in the heel of your foot. The plantar fascia runs along the bottom of your foot, so when it is inflamed, you could have pain from your heel to your toes. However, the pain in your heel could be the most troublesome and cause you to seek treatment from a podiatrist. Here are some plantar fasciitis treatments they might recommend.

Prevent Foot Injuries: 3 Stretches You Should Do Daily

Your feet endure a lot each and every day. Imagine everywhere you walk or run, and consider how much your feet are going through. If you aren’t careful, you could end up injuring your feet or your ankles. If you are always on the go or you are putting your feet and ankles through a bit more challenging for your feet, such as exercising, running, biking, or hiking, you need to be sure you are stretching to prevent injury.

3 FAQ About Total Ankle Replacement Surgery

According to the CDC, more than 54 million people in the United States have arthritis. Common symptoms associated with arthritis include pain, stiffness, or swelling around the joints. Any joint in the body can be affected by arthritis, including the talocrural joint, which is often referred to as the ankle joint. Treatment options for ankle arthritis include steroid medications and physical therapy. Severe cases of ankle arthritis may require total ankle replacement surgery.

Why Do You Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails do not only hurt, but they can also be a real infectious issue as well. This toenail condition is easy to get. Basically, instead of growing outward, the toenail curves inside the bed of the nail, biting into the skin and causing a lot of damage. When the pain gets too much to bear, you have to go to a doctor to have the toenail treated, which usually involves getting a part of the nail removed.

Speeding Up Wound Healing

You don’t really appreciate what you have until it’s gone, goes the saying. While you normally don’t think that much about your feet, if you have a foot wound and need to be careful walking, you suddenly realize just how much you need your feet to be in good shape. So, it’s natural to want to speed up the healing of that wound so you can literally get back on your feet.

3 Reasons To Consider Bunion Surgery

Many people will develop bunions, but they do not always warrant surgical intervention. There are situations where pursuing a bunionectomy treatment might be the best approach to reducing pain and any limitations your bunion might cause. Conservative Approaches Are Ineffective When you start developing bunions, you are advised to change your footwear. The goal is to choose shoes that do not increase pressure on the bunion, have adequate support, and are comfortable.

Toss Out Those High Heels

There’s a reason that podiatrists hate it when patients come in wearing high heels. The reason is that those shoes that are loved by so many are horrible for your feet. Many people love their high heels because they help legs look longer, help to give the rear end a more sculpted look and help to add to their height. However, those things aren’t worth it in the long run when people who wear high heels regularly end up suffering from some painful and sometimes even awful-looking foot conditions.

How Overpronation Can Hurt More Than Your Feet

If you’ve ever had your feet measured, seen a podiatrist, or simply noticed that the way that you stand and walk is a bit different than other people, chances are you’ve heard of overpronation. If you overpronate, it can leave your feet, ankles, and knees in misery after walking, running, or even standing still for a prolonged period of time. However, that’s not where the pain stops. Read on to learn more about overpronation and how you can protect yourself from the damage it can cause.

What Every Runner Needs To Know About Plantar Fasciitis

If you’ve recently started running and are having heel pain, you may have what is called plantar fasciitis. According to The New York Times, 10% of runners experience plantar fasciitis at some point. In fact, plantar fasciitis is such a common ailment among runners that it is called runner’s heel. Here are several things you need to know about plantar fasciitis.  What is a tell-tale symptom?  Plantar fasciitis has a tell-tale sign of first step pain.

Three Easy Foot Care Methods For Diabetics

As a diabetic, watching your skin can tell you about your health. Dark and velvet like patches on the skin can be a sign of diabetes complications. Itching can also happen if you have developed diabetes. One of the most important places on your body that you will need to care of is the skin on your feet when you are diabetic. Though diabetes means that you will need to be more careful of your eating habits, medication time tables, and more, this does not mean that caring for yourself has to be hard.

3 Foot Injuries That Can Worsen When Walking On Hard Floors

If you are in a new relationship and your significant other insists on you removing your shoes in their home, you obviously don’t want to rock the boat. However, there are specific reasons why walking barefoot on hard floors is not a good thing. While your loved one may not want dirt and germs on shoes to be tracked into their home, there are foot injuries that are worsened by walking barefoot.

What's Causing Your Frequent Foot Cramps?

Are you experiencing cramps in your feet? Perhaps these cramps are centered around your arch, or maybe they occur in the muscles at the point where your toes meet your foot. In either case, they can make walking and running impossible. And more importantly, they are often caused by underlying problems that can become more serious if unaddressed. Here’s a look at the most likely causes of your foot cramps and what you can do about them.

Three Tips To Prevent Ankle Injuries When Playing Soccer

Ankle sprains can occur in all sorts of sports, but they can be particularly common in soccer, since you have to worry about injuring your ankle when kicking the ball or coming in contact with another player. Luckily, following these tips can help you avoid ankle sprains while you’re on the field. 1. Wear the Right Cleats First and foremost, it is important to wear the right pair of cleats. Even though cleats can be expensive, it’s worth it to spring for a higher-end pair so that you can properly protect your feet and ankles.

4 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Feet In The Summer

The summer is one of the best times for your feet; you get to walk around barefoot at home without your feet getting cold, and you can let them soak up the sun while at the beach. However, you still want to be sure that you are taking care of your feet this summer to ensure that you are not going to get injured or deal with anything that is going to lead to extra trips to your podiatrist.