3 Reasons To Consider Bunion Surgery

Many people will develop bunions, but they do not always warrant surgical intervention. There are situations where pursuing a bunionectomy treatment might be the best approach to reducing pain and any limitations your bunion might cause.

Conservative Approaches Are Ineffective

When you start developing bunions, you are advised to change your footwear. The goal is to choose shoes that do not increase pressure on the bunion, have adequate support, and are comfortable. This can help you decrease pain and prevent the bunion from progressing. Another conservative approach to bunions is to wear padding around the great toe, which also decreases pressure. You should avoid considering surgery simply because certain types of footwear are difficult to wear. For people who wear high heels or shoes with a pointed toe regularly, this is often the underlying problem and returning to this type of footwear after surgery will likely result in ongoing problems. In some case, even with conservative treatments, the bunion will progress over time. At this point, it might be time to consider surgical intervention.

You Have Bunions From An Underlying Process

Inflammatory arthritis can cause bunions to develop. For some people with inflammatory arthritis, better control of their disease reduces pain, inflammation, and prevents their bunions from becoming worse. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, since inflammatory arthritis can be hard to control and damage to supporting structures in the foot cannot be reversed with medication. Typically, bunions caused by inflammatory arthritis must be improved with surgical intervention. Your surgeon might recommend removing the affected joint and performing a joint fusion. Although fusing the joint means it will no longer bend, once it heals properly, it can no longer experience damage from the arthritic process.

Your Normal Activities Are Limited

Your bunion may not be severe, but if it significantly impacts your daily life and activities, it may be time to consider surgery. For some people who are relatively sedentary, their bunion may only cause occasional problems that are easily solved by resting, wearing better footwear, or using anti-inflammatory pain medication. If you are more active, such as standing on your feet or being involved in sports, even mild bunions can be significantly limiting. A surgeon should base their recommendation on your lifestyle and not the severity of the bunion itself.

Although most instances of bunions can be managed without surgical intervention, there are several situations where surgery might be necessary. When the pain is severe and affects your quality of life, it is likely time to consult with a surgeon.
