4 Effective Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fascia comprises a tissue found on your foot's base. The tissue may become inflamed, on-setting plantar fasciitis. The condition causes varying degrees of heel or arch pain, which can hinder everyday activities like walking and running. Risk factors associated with the disease include being obese, being aged 40 and above, unusual walking styles, standing for long hours every day, having flat feet or high arches, and wearing high heels for prolonged times. Some of the treatment methods for the condition are:

Physical Therapy and Stretching

Physicians can recommend their patients seek physical therapy as a plantar fasciitis treatment. The physical therapy will be under the supervision of a certified physical therapist who will introduce you to exercises that stretch the plantar fascia and the Achilles tendon. The physical therapy will strengthen lower leg muscles which will improve your walking style and reduce the weight exerted on the plantar fascia. Moreover, exercises that stretch the plantar fascia help reduce muscle tightness and relieve heel pain.

Rest and Changing Exercise Routines 

Another plantar fasciitis treatment option is doing exercises that exert minimal pressure on the plantar fascia, like swimming. Remember, running and jumping are some of the reasons contributing to the development or worsening of plantar fasciitis. It is advisable to take a break from your running and jumping exercises to allow the plantar fascia to heal. Alternatively, you can change your exercise routine whereby you can take breaks during runs to stretch your legs which will reduce pain. 

Using Supportive Shoes and Devices

Wearing shoes with thin soles and exercising on surfaces that provide minimal cushioning are other reasons people develop plantar fasciitis. Your physician will recommend wearing shoes with thicker soles to treat your plantar fasciitis. They will also encourage you to use inserts in your shoes since they will help reduce pain when you walk or stand for long periods. Shoes with arch supports are also a convenient plantar fasciitis treatment option because they help redistribute pressure when you walk, thus reducing the strain on your plantar fascia. Other supportive devices a physician can recommend as plantar fasciitis treatment include athletic tapes that will support muscles and ligaments, night splints to help stretch your feet when you sleep, and walking canes or crutches to help reduce the weight placed on your feet.


Suppose physical therapy and rest do not help relieve the severity of your plantar fasciitis, your physician may recommend some medications. The physician will prescribe ibuprofen or naproxen sodium which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories that will help reduce inflammation and pain. Icing is also a viable plantar fasciitis treatment method, especially for those with mild symptoms, since it relieves pain.

To learn more about plantar fasciitis treatment, contact a podiatrist in your area.
